Perish Not! • Mosiah 4

Words and Music by C. Michael Perry With a text inspired by Mosiah Chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon, we are being admonished by King Benjamin to live up…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry With a text inspired by Mosiah Chapter 4 in the Book of Mormon, we are being admonished by King Benjamin to live up…[...]
Music, Lyrics and Arrangements by Richard Danley We all ask the question: "Am I worthy of Your attention, Lord?" Each one of us is a Child of God, entitled to…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry Line upon line, precept on precept, we learn and grow, sometimes at an alarming rate, other times at a snail's pace. As we…[...]
Music by John Hughes Words by William Williams Arranged by C. Michael Perry The song, about the guidance and protection that Jehovah offers all of those who trust in his…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry Gardens, and all the images and symbols that go with them, fill the Scriptures as places for people to grow. From the terrestrial…[...]
composed and arranged by C. Michael Perry An original song in TWO arrangements based on 4Nephi1: 15-17, about a Zion Society -- a perfect city with perfect people. READ: Here…[...]
Music and Lyrics by C. Michael Perry We do not walk through life by ourselves. God is of course with us every step of the way. But as we learn…[...]
by C. Michael Perry If we love Him and trust Him enough to follow Him, then He counts us as one of His own. We, then, are one with Him…[...]
by C. Michael Perry The walk along the strait and narrow path is much easier if you hold on tightly to God's Word as you walk -- and do not…[...]