One Fine Day! • Vocal Solo
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry There is a day after this life -- one long Eternal day -- where we will live with God again. It is that…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry There is a day after this life -- one long Eternal day -- where we will live with God again. It is that…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry When Christ appeared to the Nephites (some of His other sheep, mentioned in the Book of John 10:16 -- "And other sheep I…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry Line upon line, precept on precept, we learn and grow, sometimes at an alarming rate, other times at a snail's pace. As we…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry Nephi saw a vision, one that supported exactly what his father, Lehi, saw. He asked in Faith and was rewarded for it. What…[...]
Music by C. Michael Perry Words by George G. King What if the Savior came today -- would we let Him in? READ: The SOLO lyrics in PDF form: StillLYRIC…[...]
Words and Music by James C. Aulenbach Two singles becoming one couple is the Holiest of actions; and whether in a Temple, or a Church, or in the office of…[...]
Words and Music by C. Michael Perry Salvation from He who came as a little child. READ: The SOLO lyrics in PDF form: In BethlehemsStallLYRIC ALSO, the first page of…[...]
Lyrics by Mark J. Stoddard Music by Puccini Arrangement by Eric L. Stoddard The lyrics for Standing Before My Savior are clothed in the great Puccini aria, O Mio Babbino…[...]
Music by John Hughes Words by William Williams Arranged by C. Michael Perry The song, about the guidance and protection that Jehovah offers all of those who trust in his…[...]
Words by Robert Robinson Music by Asahel Nettleton Arranged by C. Michael Perry Another classic from the English/Welsh tradition, tells of the greatness of the Savior and how the best…[...]