Hosanna! • Vocal SOLO and SAB

 by C. Michael Perry

After His resurrection he told his disciples about visiting other sheep — “not of this fold.” That He is the God and Savior of all the Earth is indisputable. That the Earth groaned at his death is undeniable. That he continues to teach and save — well that is the promise of His resurrection. Inspired by the verse in scripture, 3 Nephi: 11.


This is a PDF file. HosannaLYRIC

ALSO, page one of the SOLO sheet music: Hosanna! SOLOp1

AND, page one of the SAB sheet music: Hosanna SABp1


The rough demo (from the Finale file) mp3 file below contains the piano and the vocal, the vocal being replaced by an oboe. This is the SOLO version.

The rough demo mp3 of the SAB version from the Finale file contains the piano, then the choir sounds are filled in with electronic “ahhs”:

The rough demo mp3 of the Complete SAB version from the Finale file, contains the piano, the choir sounds as ‘aahs’ and the Oboe and Violin parts.

ORDER: (Use this cart, and upon confirmation of payment and information, we will email you the pdf document. Email us at: [email protected] with your name, the name of your group and a phone number, so we can license the music.)

    • SOLO Single  Copy: $5.00 (for personal & perusal purposes+ accompanist, allowed to print 2 copies)
    • SOLO Double Copy: $6.00 (for personal purposes + accompanist, allowed to print 3 copies)
    • Choir SAB PDF Package: $25.00 (you may print up to 20 copies of the song for your Choir. If you need more than 20 copies, please purchase an additional Choir Package.)
    • The Complete SAB package includes a score for the pianist to play from that includes the instrumental parts, and individual parts for the Oboe and Violin ($10.00) (This is in addition to the purchase of the SAB Choir Package)
